Telegram bot that creates topics on a google doc simply sending a message with a list of arguments to talk about in a call. that could be edited using chat replies (if someone answers to the message the arguments are appended)
Create a poll and share it on whatsapp or telegram (on telegram could be dynamic). the poll is created and sent using a link for every option in the poll, if a user is signed in, he can have an overwiev of his polls. example
some examples:
Important that I can write the article in markdown. Update: this website is generated from markdown files. The source code is on github
Can be cli application or Firefox extension, used to download a txt list of links of video/images in specified folders, also provide a renaming tool
but beware of word breaking
This connects to trello, different dashboards and webhooks. Useful when you need to manage a team and follow up them every day about what’s been done and what the team still needs to do.
A Giant, wireless LED controlled by arduino with a button. If button pressed in studio, lights turn on/off in front of door, need 5 or 12 volts adapter plus wireless transceivers and obviously, a BIG LED and button.
Can monitor data using a cli command and cron, based on different curl calls. If the display has 2 rows then switch rows every x seconds.
Can use old hdd cards + oled displays to make a cyberpunk monitor for whatever data i want. Would be cool to find a way to standardize vcc power distribution and data transmission. maybe parallels ports can be used to make advantage of some chips in the board?
Record audio and make written notes from that example
This could be a good first full stack project in which i can search an album name, artist, song (or provide a link) and fetch the album image to create a 2 color combination palette with a typography example, so you can copy color combinations. I mean, who’s better than album cover designers at finding color combinations?
Type +{number} or -{number} to add an income or outcome and use a tag (and a description or comment if you want) and this will add to your balance the amount you received or spent so can have by the end of the month/year some csv or graph to see how you’re doing